
Thursday, 20 September 2018


For the past couple of weeks we have been doing steam fair, it is basically making an experiment testing it and sharing it and letting other people look and yeah blog you later.

This presentation was by Jayden (ME) Ben and Akem

Match the terms

Maths Week 8/9

So for the past 2 weeks in the kauri hub we had to do stuff releated about Fractions and had to do Reduing Fractions and Data and it was pretty cool.

Rosehill Evening Writing

This is my 15 minute writing and i chose to write about Rosehill Evening Night for the year 6's for next year when they become year 7s and yeah so ok bye blog you later.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

The Ice Experiment!

So in our reading task we had to do a scientifct method about what type of liquid will melt the ice the fastest, we didnt do it in real life but we did a fake one and i chose 3 liquids, Sprite, L&P and Coke, find out the rest in this slide.